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RFID Technology and Areas of Usage on E-Commerce


Commerce, is a vitally important activity to fulfill peoples needs, is part of peoples lives for centuries. In commerce, fastness and accuracy became more important. Development in transportation and stock control systems, invention of bar code technology are milestones of developing commerce. Particularly, widespreading web technologies pave the great way for e-commerce.

In supply chains, to know exact number of products that is keeping in stock vitally important in some cases. For the present, due to bar code technology that is used quite often has some limitations to count in stocktaking, a next generation barcode system which is called as RFID is used. This technology that has easy and accurate stocktaking advantages is becoming popular by reducing costs.

In this study, features of RFID technology, operation principles, types, advantages & disadvantages and applied RFID example all over the world have been explained. In order to understand RFID usage and technology easier, an example has been implemented by using an Arduino module which has RFID module.

Keywords: RFID, microcontroller, radio frequency, identification, e-commerce, electromagnetics